Todos los artistas y bandas de estilo Rock and roll/Garage.
- '77 Rock and roll/Garage
- Abstract Artimus Rock and roll/Garage
- Acid Mothers Temple Rock and roll/Garage
- Al Dual Rock and roll/Garage
- Almendros Brothers Band Rock and roll/Garage
- Alterados Rock and roll/Garage
- Amphetamine Discharge Rock and roll/Garage
- Analógicos Rock and roll/Garage
- Äskväder Rock and roll/Garage
- Atavismo Rock and roll/Garage
- Aullido atómico Rock and roll/Garage
- Aurora & The Betrayers Rock and roll/Garage
- Autoramas Rock and roll/Garage
- Baby Shakes Rock and roll/Garage
- Bad Bangs Rock and roll/Garage
- Banana Cósmica Rock and roll/Garage
- Bandido Rock and roll/Garage
- Barrence Whitfield Rock and roll/Garage
- Beautiful Señoritas Rock and roll/Garage
- Big Sandy Rock and roll/Garage
- Billymonkeys Rock and roll/Garage
- Black Bone Tango Rock and roll/Garage
- Black Horse Rock and roll/Garage
- Blackberry Clouds Rock and roll/Garage
- Blues Pills Rock and roll/Garage
- Branquias Johnson Rock and roll/Garage
- Brat Farrar Rock and roll/Garage
- Cabezafuego Rock and roll/Garage
- Cápsula Rock and roll/Garage
- Captain Trasho Rock and roll/Garage
- Carolina Durante Rock and roll/Garage
- Cave Rock and roll/Garage
- CdeFlecha Rock and roll/Garage
- Charm Bag Rock and roll/Garage
- Cheetah Chrome Rock and roll/Garage
- Chewbaccas Rock and roll/Garage
- Círcinus Rock and roll/Garage
- Correcaminos Rock and roll/Garage
- Coyote Men Rock and roll/Garage
- Cuchillo y Cubalibre Rock and roll/Garage
- Cuello Rock and roll/Garage
- Culebra Rock and roll/Garage
- Daddy Long Legs Rock and roll/Garage
- Dan Baird and Homemade Sin Rock and roll/Garage
- Dani Nel·lo Rock and roll/Garage
- Dead Boys Rock and roll/Garage
- Dead Bronco Rock and roll/Garage
- Dead Elvis Rock and roll/Garage
- Dead Men Rock and roll/Garage
- Death Valley Girls Rock and roll/Garage
- Deke Dickerson & The Sex-Phonics Rock and roll/Garage
- Desenkanto Rock and roll/Garage
- Destination Lonely Rock and roll/Garage
- Devil Dogs Rock and roll/Garage
- Diamond Dogs Rock and roll/Garage
- Dirty Dogs Rock and roll/Garage
- Doble Capa Rock and roll/Garage
- Doctor Explosión Rock and roll/Garage
- Dogo Rock and roll/Garage
- Doojiman and The Exploders Rock and roll/Garage
- Dr. Feelgood Rock and roll/Garage
- Dr. Tritón Rock and roll/Garage
- Druid Fluids Rock and roll/Garage
- Duncan Reid & The Big Heads Rock and roll/Garage
- Eh, Mertxe! Rock and roll/Garage
- El Doghouse Rock and roll/Garage
- El Gobierno Rock and roll/Garage
- El Hombre Gancho Rock and roll/Garage
- El Niño Delta Rock and roll/Garage
- El Twanguero Rock and roll/Garage
- Embragues Rock and roll/Garage
- Enano Rojo Band Rock and roll/Garage
- Enanorojo All Star Rock and roll/Garage
- Exnovios Rock and roll/Garage
- Fender Swing Rock and roll/Garage
- Fernando Reincidentes Rock and roll/Garage
- Fever Band Rock and roll/Garage
- Fito & Fitipaldis Rock and roll/Garage
- Flamin Groovies Rock and roll/Garage
- Flamin Guays Rock and roll/Garage
- Freddie Dilevi Rock and roll/Garage
- Friedem Rock and roll/Garage
- Fruit Tones Rock and roll/Garage
- Gatos Locos Rock and roll/Garage
- Gizzard Rock and roll/Garage
- Glam Skanks Rock and roll/Garage
- Gogo Loco Rock and roll/Garage
- Grai Ahed Rock and roll/Garage
- Grande Royale Rock and roll/Garage
- Green Milk from the Planet Orange Rock and roll/Garage
- Guttercats Rock and roll/Garage
- Hairy Nipples Rock and roll/Garage
- Handsome Dick Manitoba Rock and roll/Garage
- Hank Wood & The Hammerheads Rock and roll/Garage
- He who can not be named Rock and roll/Garage
- Hipbone Slim And The Kneetremblers Rock and roll/Garage
- Holly Golightly Rock and roll/Garage
- Holy Bouncer Rock and roll/Garage
- Hombre Lobo Internacional Rock and roll/Garage
- Howlin Ramblers Rock and roll/Garage
Si eres un artista de Granada o que va a ofrecer un concierto próximamente en la provincia y no apareces en la lista de todos los artistas, envíanos tus datos y crearemos gratuitamente una ficha de tu banda:
- Si sólo quieres incluir la ficha de un artista envíanos tus datos al email
- Si quieres añadir un concierto, por favor, hazlo a través de este formulario